Written on August 23, 2009 at 12:29 am
Filed under: Crafting with tags: birthday, Crochet, gift, hat
The Birthday bear hat was made for my friend’s birthday present. It’s crocheted in brown acrylic yarn for ease of washing (I avoid using 100% natural fibre yarns for gifts, especially since I know most people will toss things into the washing machines and I want to avoid things shrinking down several sizes). I made up the pattern myself. The ears are double layered to help with keeping their shape. They look a little wonky in the photos (the ear on the right looks a little lopsided). This is because my model’s head is not the same shape as a human head, so it doesn’t fill out the hat perfectly – but they’re both non-wonky and stay perfectly (… when on a person’s head).
Model: Elijah
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Written on August 12, 2009 at 9:16 pm
Filed under: Crafting with tags: Blythe, dress, sewing
Pattern from Puchi Collective (Blythe Party Dress).
Model: Belarus
Fabric is from an old dress shirt (decided to use ‘bad’ fabric before sewing with those pretty fat quarters that I’ve got neatly folded in my room righ tnow.

I totally need to give the bodice another iron… It’s not laying very nicely on her.

Also, need to sew in a snap in the back. I need to buy more, I won’t have any left after sewing one into the back of this dress.

And another of my lovely model, just because. The fabric totally reminds me of grid paper.
Written on August 6, 2009 at 9:14 pm
Filed under: Crafting with tags: Blythe, hat
I found some time while watching Two and a Half Men to make this. The crocheting portion went like a breeze, the time consuming part was sewing the metal snap and then sewing on the button (… to cover up all the stitches from sewing in half of the metal snap.
Materials: black 100% acrylic yarn, 1 black metal snap, 1 red plastic button with anchors (see second photo for more detail)
Model: Sophie

Written on August 1, 2009 at 1:00 pm
Filed under: Crafting with tags: earrings, upcycled
I hadn’t really planned on making earrings for my friend’s birthday gift. But then I remmebered that I had this silver star charms and knew that I wanted to use them for something. They’re a little small to be more than accents on a bracelet or a necklace, so I decided that earrings would be the way to go, that way they’d also be the main attraction of the piece itself.
The charms and beads are upcycled and antiqued silver fishhooks were used.

Written on August 1, 2009 at 12:57 pm
Filed under: Crafting with tags: Crochet, hat
My friend Charlene was having a birthday, so I wanted to make her something. I found this pattern a while ago, but never had the time to make it (and well, with summer, all I really have is time).
The pattern is called “Beanie Brim Cap” by Hannah Levine. The pattern is available for free and you can find it at Ravelry.com.
In the photos, it’s being modeled by one of my teddy bears (Elijah) and the keyboard of my laptop.
Front view of the hat:
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