Written on April 23, 2012 at 9:37 am
Filed under: Sewing with tags: Blythe, dress
I finished off the term, but no final grades yet as those aren’t released until the day after the last day of finals. In a way, I’ve found this to be both good and bad. Good in the fact that if you have later exams, you don’t become distracted with obsessively refreshing the page to see if grades are up. Bad because if you’re done early (like I was), you have to wait over a week before final grades are available. Either way, I know that I had at least passed everything and I know I did okay in all of my classes this term. So in lieu of finding a job or going on fancy trips (like some of my friends), I’ve been sewing!
All of my crafting lately has been for Blythe – I’ve been using the Doll Coordinate Recipe books that I have as they’re a great resource for patterns. I’ve been on a bit of a sewing kick lately, but I’m sure that’ll switch to knitting soon as I’ve been queuing up a bunch of sock patterns that I want to try and I’ve been crocheting as well and writing down steps as I do them – so patterns will be up in the near future!
The first two are from DCR #5, the third is from DCR #1. I did make some adjustments to all three of them.
First dress: I added ribbon ties at the bodies to go around the neck. For the second dress, I added a lining because I really didn’t want to clip and turn the arm holes without a lining. I probably could have done it without, but I didn’t want to. For dress number 3, the pattern is actually for a top (think camisole), but I added a longer ‘skirt’ to it to make it into a dress.

Modeled by Sophie.

Modeled by Primrose.

Modeled by Eden Mouse.
Written on September 18, 2011 at 3:05 pm
Filed under: Crafting with tags: Blythe, dress, knit, sewing
I just wanted to do a little update! I started back at school earlier this month and I’m already busy with readings and starting to work on papers (eep!), but I just wanted to show off some of my recent doll clothing that I’ve made to fit Blythe. Everything shown was part of a swap package that I made for a dolly friend.
All the dresses are sized to fit both Blythe stock bodies and Licca bodies – in the photos below they are modeled on a Licca body (sorry for the headlessness!)
The pattern for the knit dress was made by me.
Pattern for the second dress comes from puchicollective.com.
Pattern for the third dress comes from the Doll Coordinate Recipe book #5.

Knit pattern of my own creation. I love using self-striping sock yarn for doll clothes because there’s always some kind of interesting striping pattern that comes up! Read the rest of this entry »
Written on July 16, 2010 at 10:00 pm
Filed under: Sewing with tags: Blythe, dress
I’m not as proficient of a sewer as I would like to be, but I got a little bit more practice in this week! I made this trio of dresses over the course of maybe five days. Day 1 was cutting and getting all the ends fray checked. Day 2 and 3, I didn’t touch them (haha). Day 4 was sewing of the bodices and Day 5 was inverting the bodices, ironing them, ironing the parts I wanted to hem for the skirt and sewing it all together.
I also still need to figure out the gathering stitch.
Pattern from: Puchi Collective

Model: Eden
Fabric: 100% cotton, pink and white gingham.

Model: Kindred
Fabric: 100% cotton, white and blue swirly pattern.

Model: Sophie
Fabric: Unknown (been saving this remnant since forever), light purple with lightly sparkling silver stars.
I did learn a lot more this time around than the last time I sewed a Blythe dress. I used a similar pattern, both the Empire and Party dresses come from Puchi Collective and are available for free (make sure you print them out correctly!). I plan on doing a few more empire waisted dresses and then try my hand at the Party Dress pattern again. Ironing after every single step helped a lot as I didn’t do that last time… I’ve gotten a new iron since then and I love it (it’s not a craft iron, so I do watch my fingers a lot to make sure I don’t accidentally burn myself – which I have done!).
All of them close in the back with a rust-proof metal snap, I need to buy more as I only have maybe 4 pairs left in the small-enough size.
And just another bonus shot:

Written on August 12, 2009 at 9:16 pm
Filed under: Crafting with tags: Blythe, dress, sewing
Pattern from Puchi Collective (Blythe Party Dress).
Model: Belarus
Fabric is from an old dress shirt (decided to use ‘bad’ fabric before sewing with those pretty fat quarters that I’ve got neatly folded in my room righ tnow.

I totally need to give the bodice another iron… It’s not laying very nicely on her.

Also, need to sew in a snap in the back. I need to buy more, I won’t have any left after sewing one into the back of this dress.

And another of my lovely model, just because. The fabric totally reminds me of grid paper.