Written on July 11, 2009 at 2:51 pm
Filed under: Crafting with tags: Blythe, finished project, knit, sweater
I showed you my first progress photo in my last entry (Sweater Progress – Part 1). Here is Part 2 & the completed Blythe sweater!
I used size 2 needles, grey acrylic yarn and the Sleeves a Go Go Sweater pattern.
Here is all the completed pieces (1 front, 2 sleeves, 2 back halves). This is from this morning at around 2am.

All the pieces sewn together and flipped back the right way. The ends are from the back pieces (I haven’t sewn in metal snaps yet in the back):

And then here’s the completed (sans snaps) sweater on Sophie, my Blythe doll. Her hat is crocheted in worsted weight cream wool that has small light brown and light grey flecks in it.

Written on July 10, 2009 at 9:42 pm
Filed under: Crafting with tags: Blythe, knit, sweater
I’ve been working on my first sweater*. I’m using the pattern called Sleeves a Go Go Sweater. So far it’s going well, I got the entire front of the sweater and most of one sleeve done yesterday. I just finished the second sleeve and decided to take a progress photo. The Staedtler pen is there to show the relative size of the sweater. It’s done on size 2 needles – the smallest needles I’ve worked with so far! I should get it done by tomorrow and then I’ll get it onto my Blythe doll, Sophie. She needs a wardrobe change soon.

Written on July 9, 2009 at 10:03 pm
Filed under: Important
I did something with WordPress and then all the photos on the pages and entries just poofed, but they’re all back now! I reuploaded all of them and now they’re all working fine (as far as I know). There is a new layout up, which I’ve been working on and off for pages, along with new pages and sections. You may notice that the ‘Articles’ link doesn’t work yet, that’s because I’ll be linking the page there once I have more than just two articles done.
I’ve been working on a lot of projects lately. A lot of earrings, a necklace and earrings set, a few bracelets. There’s also been a crocheted hat and I’m currently knitting a sweater. All photos will be taken when I get a chance to gather everything up on a day with a lot of light, and I’ll post progress photos of my sweater tomorrow evening.
I hope everyone’s been having a good time with crafting and such. 🙂
Written on June 21, 2009 at 6:51 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized
Hey everyone! My current craft projects have been revolving a lot around jewellery and I’m highly considering making a light box for photography purposes – the weather’s been drab today and I had really wanted to get some photos taken of my recent jewellery creations!
I have been working on a new layout for this website, it’s going to be a little bit less blog-ish, I think, once I’m done and a little bit more into showcasing my crafts – jewellery and crochet work. As well as the packaging that I’m working on for those as well. It’s rather awesome what one can do with cardstock and a printer. I’ve also been deciding if I want to keep ‘Chelle-Chelle.com’ (which would end up on any jewellery packaging that I do…) or to pick another name.
Decisions decisions…
But at least I think the new layout is almost done!
Written on June 3, 2009 at 10:35 pm
Filed under: writing with tags: poetry
Just written today and titled “About You”, please click here to check it out.
I’ve been working on some new crochet projects recently, so I’m hoping to get them done soon and get some photos up.